Overdue legacy brand updatefaceliftoverhaul
An overdue rebrand for a well established company is not an easy task. Decades of established identity must be considered through each phase of the updates.
An overdue rebrand for a well established company is not an easy task. Decades of established identity must be considered through each phase of the updates.
Services Rendered
Services Rendered
Updates must respect the product legacy
Services Rendered
Services Rendered
Updates must respect the product legacy
Services Rendered
Services Rendered
Updates must respect the product legacy
Consumers expect great design
Color palette, imagery and other design elements are essential in a technically sophisticated marketplace.
Color palette, imagery and other design elements
are essential in a technically sophisticated marketplace.
Consumers expect great design
Color palette, imagery and other design elements
are essential in a technically sophisticated marketplace.
Over three decades of international business
Five global offices including India and China
Hundreds of international hospitality clients
Fresh and contemporary images
Relevant imagery that connects with your audience is one of the most valuable sales tools.
Fresh and contemporary images
Relevant imagery that connects with your audience is one of the most valuable sales tools.
Updated Logo
A logo should instantly reflect a company’s brand and values, ideally including the company name. Established companies must also be cautious when changing logos.
Updated Logo
A logo should instantly reflect a company’s brand and values, ideally including the company name. Established companies must also be cautious when changing logos.
From the ground up rebrandfaceliftoverhaul
An established business knows the expansion their website has undergone. It is a daunting task for a company to even consider updating an outdated site. This must be handled with great care.
An established business knows the expansion their website has undergone. It is a daunting task for a company to even consider updating an outdated site. This must be handled with great care.